
7:00 pm at Temple
Spring semester begins March 10!
Details Coming Soon

Each Mondays@Macomb class begins with dinner from some of your favorite D.C. restaurants!

Woman raises hands at 12 Jewish Questions class

12 Jewish Questions
A Learning Community for Adults

March 10–May 19
Led by Rabbi Aaron Miller

Do I need to believe in God to be Jewish? What happens after I die? Where is God in times of tragedy? How do I rest when I have no time? 12JQ brings Jews and non-Jews together to draw upon 3,500 years of Jewish wisdom as we deeply explore 12 of life’s most essential questions. Each class will explore a different topic to help broaden your understanding of Judaism and yourself.


Rabbi Shankman, Cantor Hamstar, and Cantor Bortnick on the bimah

Unlocking Prayer
Finding Greater Meaning in Friday Night Prayer

March 10–April 7
Led by Cantors Susan Bortnick & Suzanne Hamstra

For Jews, prayer is more than words on a page. We’ll explore the sacred meanings, rituals, and prayers that mark the beginning of Shabbat. Dive into the rich liturgy and traditions of Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv l’Shabbat — the Friday evening prayers that welcome Shabbat, providing a richer understanding of their meaning, structure, and relevance in contemporary Jewish life.


Rabbi Jonathan Miller headshot

Spiritual Growth in Life’s Second Chapter

April 21–May 19
Led by Rabbi Jonathan Miller

We have raised our children, climbed the ladder, and established ourselves. Is it now time for a reset? How do we grow in life’s second chapter? Where can we find meaning? Have we gained wisdom over these years? What gifts can we offer the future? Fulfillment explores the joys, challenges, and opportunities to deepen our spiritual lives in this second spiritual chapter of life.