About Our Funds

Throughout our history, Washington Hebrew Congregation has benefited from endowment funds dedicated to specific aspects of Temple life.   

Our endowment funds (see below) offer you giving options that reflect a broad spectrum of interests and program areas. The principal of an endowment fund is invested in perpetuity.

WHC can use the annual interest earned to fund dedicated aspects or programs of interest, providing relief to our annual operating budget and providing a steady stream of investment income.

If you’d like to make a gift to one of these funds, use the link below.

make a gift

Our Funds

Funds supporting WHC auxiliaries and the constituencies they serve

  • Besters Fund: Supplements programs for the Besters auxiliary
  • Ruth T. Blond Healthy Aging Fund: Provides transportation and/or programs for senior WHC members
  • Jane Burka Sisterhood Leadership Fund: Provides resources to the Women of WHC for leadership training and development
  • Pauline C. Gusdorf Prime Timers Fund: Supplements programs for senior WHC members
  • Stephanie Morris Prime Timers Programming Fund: Provides recreational and entertainment opportunities for senior WHC members
  • Sisterhood (WWHC) Fund for Youth and Educational Enrichment: Ensures continuance of Women of WHC-sponsored programs, activities, gifts, and scholarships
  • Young Professionals (22-39) Fund: Supports programming for young professionals ages 22-39

Funds supporting the needs of the entire congregation and sustaining WHC’s continued vitality

  • WHC Endowment Fund: Provides economic stability, enabling WHC to fulfill vital aspects of our mission
  • General Fund: Provides budget support for various Congregational services
  • Library Funds: Supplements the annual need of Hurston, Selinger, and Tauber Libraries
  • The Lewis S. Wiener Annual Fund: Sustains Temple operations on an annual basis
  • Cyrus & Ruth Bernstein Memorial Fund
  • Berz Family Lech Lecha Fund: Provides our Clergy team with professional development opportunities and multi-disciplinary executive tools to lead a state-of-the-art congregation
  • Julia & Jack Bindeman Fund: Provides for improvements to the Julia Bindeman Suburban Center
  • Florence & Norman Brody Archives Endowment Fund: Provides for administrative assistance to collect and preserve materials in the Florence & Norman Brody Archives of Washington Hebrew Congregation
  • Samuel Burtoff, M.D. Streaming Support Fund
  • Lebbin Family Burial Assistance Fund: Assists members of the Washington Jewish community who do not have sufficient financial resources to pay for the cost of a burial at the Garden of Remembrance cemetery
  • Library Funds
  • Susan & Stephen Porter Memorial Fund: Provides an enhanced experience for all who enter our congregation’s doors
  • Schuble Historic Preservation Endowment Fund: Provides for assistance with collection and preservation of materials that document historical events in the Congregation
  • Michael D. Schuman Fund: Michael D. Schuman was a lifelong Milwaukee resident, lawyer, and for over 40 years, a public servant to Milwaukee’s Jewish Community. The Michael D. Schuman Fund was established by his Washington Hebrew family — Mark, Julie, Max and Mia Schuman — to honor and share his legacy with the WHC community. Supports the congregation by funding new Shabbat, holiday and membership initiatives. READ MORE
  • Rabbi Susan N. Shankman Clergy Endowment Fund: To create and maintain a dynamic, strong, and multi-talented clergy team for the Washington Hebrew community
  • Carlynn & Larry Silverman Family Endowment Fund for Jewish Life and Learning: Supports the ongoing work of the Congregation towards fostering education, Jewish life, and learning for members of all ages
  • Taishoff Interfaith Endowment Fund
  • Wender Memorial Archives Fund: Provides for the maintenance of the Temple Archives
  • Jillian & Lindsay Wiener Spread the Light Fund
  • Worship & Music Fund

Funds promoting the visual, musical, and performing arts at WHC

  • C. Haskell Small & Ruth Behrend Small Music Fund: Encourages the study and appreciation of Jewish music in the WHC Religious School
  • Lillian & Alfred Bennett Fine Arts Endowment Fund: Maintains/restores art, acquires new pieces, and sponsors exhibits and education
  • David G. Bress High Holy Days Music Endowment
  • Cantorial & Concert Fund: Supports musical activities and events as designated by the Cantor and the Performing Arts Committee
  • Abraham & Freida Hochberg Creative Cultural Fund: Supports cultural and educational programs including the Amram Scholar Series
  • Kol Rinah Choir Fund:  Supports WHC’s volunteer adult choir
  • Cantor Mikhail Manevich Fund: Provides a robust source of income to support general music and worship activities
  • Marianne & Leon Minkoff Jewish Music Fund: Provides educational experiences of Jewish music
  • Irene & Abe Pollin Music Program Initiative: Provides a broad range of musical events and enhances the Shabbat worship experience with monthly services featuring our cantors and a new musical component
  • Abe & Sylvia Shrinsky Creative Worship Program Fund

Funds that assist people in need, from the WHC community to the world beyond our walls

  • H. Max & Jodie and Stephen Ammerman Interfaith Fund: Supports programs promoting interfaith exchange
  • Congregational Seder Fund: Supports Congregational seders by underwriting participation for individual members in need of financial assistance
  • Idalee & Jack Diener Fund
  • William R. & Nora H. Lichtenberg Membership Endowment Fund: Subsidizes WHC membership for low-income individuals and families
  • Mitzvah Day Fund: Provides support for Mitzvah Day community service projects
  • Sylvia & Saul Ritzenberg Humanitarian Fund: Supports humanitarian aid in the greater D.C. area
  • Naomi & LeRoy Robins Medical Emergency Fund: Provides first aid and emergency support for the High Holy Days
  • Abram Simon Elementary School Fund: Supports the Washington, D.C. public school named in memory of Rabbi Abram Simon
  • Abram Simon Elementary School Camp Fund: Provides funds for Simon Elementary School students to attend summer camp
  • Tikkun Olam Values (TOV) Fund: Supports and enhances WHC’s social justice activities and provides critically needed resources to ensure the continuity of our commitment to healing the world
  • Rabbi Joseph Weinberg Young Leadership Community Service Fund: Provides support for the community service activities of the Congregation’s young leadership groups
  • Ivy Zola’s Help-a-Friend Fund

Funds sustaining opportunities for lifelong learning, from early childhood through adulthood

  • Amram Sunday Scholar Series Endowment Fund: Founding fund and a major contributor to the Amram Scholar Series
  • Miriam & Maurice Baller Israel Endowment Fund
  • Joseph D. & Ethel (Eddie) Blatt Memorial Lecture Fund: Sponsors an annual lecture for the Amram Sunday Scholar Series
  • Shelly & Michael Brody Teacher Training Institute Endowment: Provides continuing education for Religious School faculty
  • Dr. Samuel M. & Miriam Selker Dodek Annual Memorial Lecture Fund:  Sponsors a lecture for the Amram Scholar Series
  • Edlavitch-Tyser Family Relations Institute Endowment Fund: Assists WHC parents and children dealing with everyday problems through special programs
  • Lois & Richard England Children’s Library Endowment Fund: Supplements purchases for the children’s library
  • Nan & Julian Feldman Management Planning Endowment Fund: Promotes educational opportunities for lay leaders and staff
  • Janice Wasserman Goldstein Fund: Sponsors ongoing WHC Religious School programs that ensure continuity of Jewish life and learning
  • Leo & Elizabeth Goodman Public Issues Endowment Fund: Sponsors series or public issue forum and other civil action programs
  • Everett & Marian Gordon Scholar Series Fund: Sponsors a lecture for the Amram Sunday Scholar Series
  • Greenwold Family Endowment Fund: Supports post-B’nei Mitzvah Hebrew study
  • Joshua O. Haberman Scholarship & Publications Endowment Fund: Encourages scholarly publication on religious and historical topics by supporting a variety of study programs for WHC youth and adults
  • Israel Quest
  • Andrew Kaplan Youth Endowment Fund
  • Carol Kellner ECC Memorial Fund:  Supports Early Childhood Center activities
  • Rose E. Koenig Religious School Fund: Enriches Religious School education
  • Harriet M. Kriesberg Fund for the Study of Torah: Supports programming focused on Torah study
  • Rabbi M. Bruce Lustig Scholarship Fund
  • Zena Mason Early Education Fund: Provides continuing education for Early Childhood Center faculty
  • Kamy Loren Nathanson Bar/Bat Mitzvah Kiddush Cup Fund
  • Albert & Scott Pelmoter Youth Scholarship Fund
  • Marcella Rittner Scholar Series Fund: Sponsors a lecture for the Amram Sunday Scholar Series
  • Sheldon & Judy Sadugor Memorial Fund of the Early Childhood Center:  Supports the Rabbi Joseph Weinberg Early Childhood Center at the Julia Bindeman Suburban Center
  • Dr. Allan and Katherine Schwartzberg Jewish Studies Endowment Fund: Sponsors a lecture for the Amram Scholar Series
  • Ver Standig Jewish Studies Endowment Fund: Supplements the Congregation’s adult education program
  • Youth Fund: For the development and enhancement of youth programming

Funds offsetting the cost of congregational publications

  • Dr. Edward A. & Mildred B. Cafritz Prayer Book Fund: Provides prayer books and other worship materials for services
  • Mandell Temple Journal Endowment Fund: Defrays a portion of the cost of the Temple Journal
  • Snyder Sabbath Brochure Endowment Fund: Defrays a portion of the cost of the weekly Sabbath brochure, “This Week at WHC”

Funds enabling the full participation of members with special needs in congregational life

  • Robert & Samuel Decker Foundation Endowment for the Visually Impaired:  Provides large print books for the visually impaired
  • Lois & Richard England Special Needs Endowment Fund: Provides services to enhance worship for our special needs congregants, including “Listen In”
  • Harold “Buddy” & Shirley Robinson Memorial Education Scholarship Fund: Provides scholarships for B’nei Mitzvah students whose alternate learning styles call for individual tutoring preparation
  • David Wise, Jr. Human Needs Fund: Provides direct help for members confronted with crises such as AIDS, mental illness, homelessness, and caring for aging parents

Together, we can ensure our shared future. Make your gift today.

WHC Donation Form

Please complete this form to direct your contribution to one of Washington Hebrew Congregation's funds or toward general support of Temple life. 

here for information about each of our funds.

If your donation is for a yahrzeit, please contact Debbie Heller at 202-895-6300, so we can be sure to add their name to the list read at Shabbat services each week.

To help defray some of WHC's credit card processing costs, a 3% fee has been added to your credit card payment. Please note that ACH payments do not include this fee.



ACH/Direct Bank Debit Information

To transfer stock or other marketable securities to Washington Hebrew Congregation, please provide the following information to WHC's Chief Financial Officer Drew Golub (see contact information below):
  • Name of the donor
  • Name of the stock
  • Number of shares being gifted
  • Donation is intended for which WHC fund
Drew Golub, CFO
Washington Hebrew Congregation
Phone: 202-895-6315

TD Ameritrade
PO Box 2209
Omaha, NE 68103-2209
Account Name: Washington Hebrew Congregation
Account Number: 881-333561
DTC #0188
Please make your check payable to WHC and send it to:
Washington Hebrew Congregation - Donations
11810 Falls Road
Potomac, MD 20854

After clicking "SUBMIT," you will be redirected to our "Additional Donation" form with your prefilled donor information. Each transaction will be processed separately.
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Please click "submit" only once to prevent duplicate transactions.

If you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours, please contact Director of Philanthropy Margaret Cohen at mcohen@whctemple.org.

Leave a Legacy

To find out how you can create an endowment fund in your family’s name today, contact

Margaret Cohen
Director of Philanthropy