Edlavitch-Tyser ECC

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year now open!


E-T ECC APPLICATION Information Request

At Washington Hebrew Congregation’s Edlavitch-Tyser Early Childhood Center (E-T ECC), we believe that learning is a process of construction, growth, and reflection.

Our team of educators provides intentional experiences that will spark questions, inspire creativity, and set the stage for positive interactions. With an emergent curriculum that reflects the interests of the classroom, we allow children to be children and honor the learning that happens through play.

Our inquiry-based educational approach integrates important 21st-century skills like creativity, collaboration, and communication. Jewish ethical values help provide a foundation from which we strive to nurture, support, and create connections with our children, families, professional staff, and community.

Three children stand around a table mixing ingredients in a red bowl

The Classroom

As a Reggio-inspired program, we view the environment itself as the “third teacher.” Each classroom is intentionally designed to promote exploration and spark inquiry. Our indoor and outdoor environments are designed for each child to learn and explore, build meaningful relationships with peers and educators, and express their ideas, questions, and experiences.

The Educator

We view learning as a life-long journey, and our educators are committed to learning in partnership with the children. Our experienced, qualified educators are passionate about building a positive and engaging community for the children and their families. We value the growth of the whole child, and our educators intentionally design experiences to encourage developmental growth while honoring the interests and inquiries of the children.

Meet Our Team

The Community

We value the unique gifts that each child and family brings to our community. We are dedicated to working in partnership with families to ensure a quality educational experience for every child. In the WHC community, our Jewish values are integrated into each part of the children’s routine and provide a focal point of learning.

2025-2026 Schedule & Tuition


Interested in the current school year? We offer rolling admissions! Reach out to inquire about space available for the 2024-2025 school year.

ECC Programs

The E-T ECC embraces a multi-age classroom environment. Children ages two through five have the opportunity to learn and grow together in a holistic environment that values the unique knowledge, strengths, and life experiences each child brings to our community. Our emergent curriculum responds to the individual needs of each child, rooted in their developmental stage.

Two-year-olds enter a classroom that nurtures their wonder and curiosity.

Children make sense of the world that surrounds them through hands-on experiences and guidance from our caring early childhood educators. Our indoor classroom and outdoor environment promote the wonder and excitement the children need to embrace their school experience. Our program emphasizes social-emotional development and supports children’s developing communication skills.

Three-year-olds see friendships blossom and social dynamics take on a significant role in a child’s life.

At the E-T ECC, children learn through experience how to collaborate with their peers and build friendships that can last a lifetime. Our investigations incorporate early literacy opportunities, art, math and science concepts, and imagination into play, all while supporting their developing social skills.

Three-year-old students express their natural curiosity, which guides our educators as they plan learning opportunities to explore different concepts and further their thinking. In the classroom and on the playground, teachers ask reflective questions, encouraging the children to take time to observe their surroundings and formulate their own ideas.

For Pre-K children, our innovative curriculum supports four-and five-year-olds as they prepare for kindergarten with an emphasis on interactive, hands-on learning opportunities.

Our program incorporates developmentally appropriate practices that prepare children for the next steps in their educational and life journeys.

We create a learning environment that encourages children to explore concepts about which they are curious. During these inquiries, our educators incorporate developmentally appropriate practices to help children build the early literacy skills that will prepare them for the next steps in their educational journey.

We focus on helping children continue to build their social-emotional skills, including independence, self-regulation, and collaboration with peers. These foundational skills will serve the children well, not just during their educational journey, but throughout their lifelong journey as humans.

Enroll your child in our E-T ECC


Parent Testimonials

Interested in Summer Opportunities?

Give your child the gift of friends and fun with a summer at Camp Keetov, with two locations: WHC’s Temple in Northwest D.C. and our beautiful, expansive campus in Potomac, Maryland.

Learn More about Camp Keetov – DC


Our Early Childhood Centers’ philosophy is rooted in the Social Constructivist approach where children and teachers co-construct the learning in partnership. We believe children learn through hands-on experiences (and play!) where they can use all of their senses and be fully involved in the learning experience. We strive to promote 21st-century life skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, perspective taking, communication, and collaboration. We draw inspiration from the Reggio Emilia approach, noting the importance of the environment and its connection to learning. Judaism frames the arc of our year as well as our values. In particular, the Jewish belief that each child is unique and created in the divine image. We LOVE talking about our philosophy and invite you to reach out if you want to learn more or discuss our approach.

Classroom placements are based on a series of important and complex variables. Our priority is for students to develop friendships in their class; we also know that longstanding relationships are important. We accept two “social requests” per child and will consider these as we create the classes. We do not guarantee any social requests. We do, however, promise to work with each family to promote their child’s well-being and sense of comfort and community within their class. The development of meaningful friendships and relationships is core to our mission!

Our educators are each qualified according to the standards established by MSDE (the Maryland State Department of Education) and OSSE (Office of the State Superintendent of Education, in DC). We value continued learning and weave professional development for each teacher into our program.

Meet our educational team

We love how many families are familiar with teachers from our community! Our school places the highest emphasis on matching teachers and students. To do this, we consider a host of complex variables, including the teacher’s experience, knowledge of the age group, growth mindset, and more. We do not take teacher requests. We absolutely welcome and invite you to share information about your child, their disposition, and the best potential variables that will lead to a good match.

We offer extended day options at both our RJW ECC in Potomac, Maryland, and our E-T ECC in Washington, D.C. Please check the schedule for more details.

Contact Us

Kristin Zeldes
Director,  E-T ECC