Sustaining Membership

Choosing to become a Sustaining Member at Washington Hebrew is both an act of tzedakah and a reflection of faith in our shared Jewish future.

Make Your Impact Felt

As a Sustaining Member, your generosity will ensure that young families, seniors, and other current members can maintain a lifelong connection to WHC at a support level that is affordable to them. Your generosity also will help to make joining our sacred community more attractive and accessible for new members. By making this choice, you will inspire others in our community to join the ranks of Sustaining Members and support our shared Jewish future.

Membership contributions provide approximately 45% of WHC’s budgeted annual revenues and are essential to our ability to continue to serve our congregation with the high caliber of programming, pastoral care, education, worship, and other activities that are hallmarks of WHC. Your support of the Congregational Commitment model has never been more critical, and we hope we can count on you to join us in taking this exciting step forward in the life of WHC.

You understand the value of our sacred community. Now, you can “pay it forward” to enable Washington Hebrew to welcome all who are interested in membership no matter their financial circumstances.

Sustaining Membership offers added benefits

From complimentary tuition for our flagship 12 Jewish Questions class, to special events, such as our Spring Soiree and Vintage Reflections Wine tasting, we want you to know how much we appreciate your added support.

Patron ($3,900)

(2) Complimentary High Holy Day Tickets for Guests
(1) Complimentary Tribute Acknowledgement
Private Facebook Group

($357/Month or $4,280 Annually) 

Founder ($10,000)

(8) Complimentary High Holy Day Tickets for Guests
(2) Complimentary Classes per Fiscal Year
(7) Complimentary Tribute Acknowledgements
Private Facebook Group

($865/Month or $10,380 Annually) 

Pillar ($5,000)

(4) Complimentary High Holy Day Tickets for Guests
(1) Complimentary Class per Fiscal Year
(2) Complimentary Tribute Acknowledgements
Private Facebook Group

($448/Month or $5,380 Annually) 

Benefactor ($18,000)

(10) Complimentary High Holy Day Tickets for Guests
(2) Complimentary Classes per Fiscal Year
(10) Complimentary Tribute Acknowledgements
Private Facebook Group

($1,532/Month or $18,380 Annually) 

Guardian ($7,500)

(6) Complimentary High Holy Day Tickets for Guests
(1) Complimentary Class per Fiscal Year
(5) Complimentary Tribute Acknowledgements
Private Facebook Group

($657/Month or $7,880 Annually) 


Preserver ($25,000)

(12) Complimentary High Holy Day Tickets for Guests
(2) Complimentary Classes per Fiscal Year
(15) Complimentary Tribute Acknowledgements
Private Facebook Group

($2,115/Month or $25,380 Annually) 

Young Sustainer (under age 36) ($1,800)

(1) Complimentary High Holy Day Tickets for Guests
(1) Complimentary Class per Fiscal Year
(10) Complimentary Metro Minyan Dinners

($182/Month or $2,180 Annually) 


Based on the level selected, Sustaining Members are also invited to participate in special events and programs throughout the year.

Due to a significant increase in security expenses since October 7, we ask Sustaining Members to pay a $380 supplemental security fee in addition to their annual membership contribution for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

You Can Make a Difference

We hope we can count on you for WHC and its mission by choosing to be a Sustaining Member. Your decision to “pay it forward” and support WHC at a Sustaining level is essential to our ability to fund our annual operations at their current, outstanding level and to ensure we can be a welcoming and inclusive community.

We are so very grateful for the exceptional generosity of the following individuals, couples, and families who have chosen to become Sustaining Members for the 2023-2024 congregational year.

We invite you to become a Sustaining Member and add your name to this growing list.

Andrew Ammerman
David & Deborah Astrove
Lanny & Nancy Breuer
Barry & Lyn Chasen
Michael & Janet Cornfeld
Mark & Shari Director
David & Jamie Dorros
Henry & Lindsay Ellenbogen
Peter & Denise Glassman
Michael Glosserman
Kenneth Grunley
J. Brendan & Karen Herron
Joel & Laura Kaplan
Louis Levitt & Joan Bialek
Andrew Marks & Susan Esserman
Scot & Cathryn McCulloch
Richard & Janice Newman
Carl & Gwendolyn Oppenheim
Stanley & JoAnn Pearlman
Craig & Tara Primis
Steven Rales
Scott & Beth Ross
Jeffrey & Christie Weiss
Peter & Sylvia Winik
Jeffrey & Mary Zients

Anonymous (2)
Lily Abbin
Barry & Karen Barbash
Carol Bindeman
Joshua & Ann Bolten
Robert & Carol Burman
David Cohn & Patricia Alper Cohn
Earl & Helen Colson
Nathan Crystal & Francesca Giannoni-Crystal
Samuel & Amanda Davidoff
Steven & Lisa Diamond
Anthony & Monica Fleming
Jay Freedman
Lisa Gill
Leonard Goldman & Lisa DeMarco
William & Linda Goldman
Alex Gordon & Samantha Mazo
Jonathan Greenblatt & Linda Adams
Robert & Mary Haft
Larry & Susan Hirsch
David & Sherry Kahn
Jerome Kaplan & Regina Porten
Robert Kelly & Ellen Miller
Neil & Emily Kishter
Yvette Kraft
David Krakoff
Andrew & Susan Lazerow
Ethan & Karen Leder
Chip & Vicky Magid
Keith & Leslie Martin
Selig Merber & Andrea Grant
David Muenzer & Melissa Schwartz
Mark Neuman
Thomas Nides & Virginia Moseley
Ethan & Stephanie Posner
Ari & Kelley Redbord
Eric & Jodi Reicin
James & Patricia Ritzenberg
David & Susan Rosenblum
John & Lynn Sachs
Andrew & Jennifer Schenker
Robert & Candace Scherer
Ed & Nell Shapiro
John & Alison Shulman
Albert & Tina Small
Jeff & Chrissy Spigel
Sherry Sundick
Sherman & Karen Telis
Howard & Kimberly Vogel
Larry & Paulette Walker
Daniel Werner & Leslie Maitland
Alisa Wiener
Evan & Amy Winston
Robert & Linda Youngentob

Anonymous (4)
Matthew & Jami Axelrod
Clifford & Lisa Beek
Bruce & Deborah Berman
Joshua & Lisa Bernstein
Howard & Rene Biel
Stuart & Cheryl Bindeman
Frederick & Susan Block
Susan Board
Fleur Bresler
William & Devon Burak
Robert & Nancy Carr
Adam & Alison Chase
David Deckelbaum
Mitchell Dolin & Susan Crawford
Marc & Nancy Duber
Jacquelyn Duberstein
Mitchell Dunn & Susan Lacks
David & Susan Fink
Joseph & Rachel Firschein
Samuel & Meg Flax
Jerome Friedlander
Jeremy & Ashley Gaines
Steven & Katrina Gewirz
Jeffrey Gibbs & Jody Katz
Douglas Greenburg
Mark & Lynne Groban
Gerald & Teresa Halle
John & Nancy Harris
Ryan Hotchkiss & Jamie Lamb Hotchkiss
Mark & Susan Jaffe
Joel & Carol Jankowsky
David & Pamela Kanstoroom
Jeffrey & Heather Katz
Craig & Linda Kessler
Peter & Ineke Kreeger
Steven & Joanne Lamm
Henry & Barbara Levine
Howard Levine & Deborah Goldman
Todd & Carol Levitt
Elizabeth Libow
Jeremy & Robin London
Lawrence & Pat Mann
Kenneth & Ellen Marks
Helen Marshall
Mark & Fern Mazo
David Mendel & Stephanie Gold
Robert & Sloane Menkes
David & Viktoria Metzner
Alexander Michael & Molly D’Ambra
Charles Miller
Charles Miller
Iris & Larry Miller
Elaine Minkoff
M. Howard Morse & Laura Loeb
Stuart & Virginia Pape
David & Janette Pepper
Ed & Penelope Peskowitz
Saree Pitt
Michael Pollowitz & Sharon Brown
Mark Popofsky & Suzanne Yelen
Samuel & Lauren Racoosin
Bertram & Barbara Rein
Jeremy & Terri Reiskin
Bruce & Paula Robinson
Michael & Dana Rocks
Eleanor Rosenfeld
Steven & Ilene Rosenthal
Adam Ross & Peng Wu
Joel Saferstein & Amy Raskin
Peter & Ellen Safir
Anthony Gene Samburg
Michael & Diane Sapir
Marc & Cathy Scheineson
Edward & Beatrice Schiff
Steven & Marie Schram
Dale Schuble
Ann Schwartz
Bob & Patricia Shapiro
Laurence & Lisa Siegel
Robert & Nancy Silverberg
Lawrence & Sandra Small
Stanley & Peggy Smith
Steven & Sarah Snider
Sanford Stark & Miriam Herman
James & Jocelyn Ulrich
David & Lori Vise
Peter & Elizabeth Whitman
Ashley Wiltshire
Bruce & Ellen Winston
Wendee Wolfson
Daniel Zelikow & Marcelo Sanguinetti
Norman & Sondra Zober

Anonymous (5)
David & Laura Aaronson
Jeff & Janet Abramson
Jason & Signey Adams
James & Michelle Alberg
Neil & Damon Alpert
Lawrence & Ruth Axelrod
Mark Bailen & Jessica Rosenworcel
R. Michael & Ellen Barth
Alycia Bartley-Heinsen
Barry & Pamela Bass
Robert & Alison Bassin
Kenneth & Arlene Becker
Mark & Diane Becker
Thomas Bensinger
Jeffrey & Hollace Bergman
Mitchell Berliner & Debra Moser
Peter & Rochelle Berman
Adam & Tracy Bernstein
David & Sherry Berz
Matthew & Jennifer Berzok
Stan Besen
Edward & Debra Bieber
Robert & Betsy Bindeman
Eben & Wendy Block
David & Amy Boris
Brandon & Leanne Bortner
Donald Budowsky
Paul & Leslie Burka
Michael & Harolyn Cardozo
Joan Churchill & Thomas Klein
James Cigliano & Jennifer Rosen
Michael & Michelle Citren
Barry & Marlene Cohen
Robert & Rose H. Cohen
Sean & Wendy Cohen
Jeremy & Stefanie Cohn
Jay & Lois Copeland
Andrew Cornblatt & Mindy Strelitz
Steven & Lisa Curwin
Noah & Sharon Dan
Antonio de la Serna
Paul Diver & Christina Cuomo-Diver
Michele Dreyfuss
Dudley & Karen Dworken
Irwin & Ginny Edlavitch
Charles Eisen
Oren & Jessica Falkowitz
Elaine Feidelman & Irwin Shuman
Bonnie Feld
David & Marlin Feldman
Jane Flior
Laurie & David Flyer
Scott & Robin Frankel
Charles & Susan Freed
Arlene Friedlander
Joshua & Erin Galper
Emily & Marc Gerson
Nancy Gewirz
David Gildea & Stephanie Goldfine
Daniel Gilgoff & Rebecca Kutler
Scott Glosserman
Michael & Ellen Gold
Gary Goldberg
Marc & Nicole Goldberg
Steven & Tammy Goldberg
Barbara Gordon
Merle Haberman
Jonathan & Alisa Halle
Peter & Florence Hart
Richard & Barbara Herzog
D. Jeffrey Hirschberg
Steven & Louisa Hollman
Larry & Deanie Hotchkiss
Charles & Elizabeth Jacobs
Martin & Leslie Janis
Michael & Laura Kaufman
Michael & Tiffany Kaufman
Richard & Barbara Kaufmann
Andrew & Ann Kay
Cornelius & Ann Kerwin
Jeremy Kirsch & Lindsay Smithen
Herbert & Arlene Kushner
Richard Lake & Lisa Beati
Timothy Landres
Julie & Paul Lane
David & Leanne Lash
Steve & Leslie Leventer
Kevin & Cristina Levey
Daniel & Luna Levinson
Nicholas & Alyssa Lovegrove
Robert McCann & Mona Signer
Christopher McCannell & Ven Neralla
Matthew & Laura Metro
Phyllis Meyers
Jonathan & Judith Miller
Michael & Jennifer Miller
Gregory & Robyn Minkoff
Stephen & Kelly Mistretta
Adrian & Karen Moore
Gary & Andrea Mullins
John & Carole Nannes
Joshua Orenstein & Jacqueline Greene
Stephen Ornstein
Glenna Osnos
Abraham & Yudith Peled
Andrew & Stephanie Pelmoter
Jeffrey & Sandra Perkins
Todd Perkins & Megan Leone-Perkins
Joseph Perpich & Cathy Sulzberger
Robert Peskin & Ellen Turner
Noah Pollak & Margaret Bourjaily
David & Kirsten Pollin
Michael Reiser & Judith Mitrani-Reiser
Matthew Reiskin & Ching Chan
Josh & Katey Roberts
Douglas & Lynne Ross
Lester & Claudia Ross
Paul & Michelle Rubin
Michael & Andrea Rubinfeld
Ivan & Sandra Sabel
Froma Sandler
Andrew & Diane Schiff
Matthew & Jean Schlesinger
Matthew & Marjorie Schneider
Richard & Sondra Schoenfeld
Adam & Kelly Schulman
Deborah & Ethan Schultz
Jacqueline & Harvey Schultz
Arthur & Linda Schwartz
Ruth Seif
Jonathan Shanfield
Ellen Shapiro
Gary & Laura Siegel
Douglas & Charlotte Siegler
Marshall & Heidi Sinick
David & Sharon Slotkin
James & Julie Smith
Jeffrey & Jenna Smith
Anita Solomon
Marvin & Jeanne Spivak
Edward Stevens & Susan Marshall-Stevens
Richard & Monica Sussman
Charles & Paula Tiedemann
Albert & Caroline Turkus
Gyr Turshen
Douglas & Susan Verner
David & Kimberly Wachen
Edward & Courtenay Wallach
Jonathan & Melissa Walsh
Sheila Weidenfeld
Jonathan & Jennifer Weinberg
Anthony Wilner
Rob & Wendy Wilson
Barry & Lori Wise
Don & Dale Yablonowitz
Richard & Ann Young

Amanda Pescovitz
Katie Solove

As of May 17, 2024

WHC’s annual $280 security fee is included in the 2023-2024 Sustaining Member annual Commitment.

Become a Sustaining Member

Please contact Jennifer Millstone, WHC’s Director of Member Engagement, at or 202-895-6328.