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Our Judaica Shop is one of the most beautiful and well-stocked shops in the D.C. area. With a full-service store at the Julia Bindeman Suburban Center, an outpost at Temple, and our new ONLINE store, we are able to offer an incredible selection of Judaica.
Celebrating a life cycle event? You’ll find gifts for all milestones and occasions as well as tallitot and yads for a b’nei mitzvah to use on their big day. Holidays? Come see our beautiful hostess gifts (that you may want to also buy for yourself!) and toys and treats we have for children (both human and canine!).
If you prefer to shop in person, please email us to schedule a private shopping time.
11810 Falls Road Potomac, MD 20854 phone: 301-354-3220 fax: 301-354-3297 judaicashop@whctemple.org
Fridays at 11:00 am* at Julia Bindeman Suburban Center (JBSC)
Join the Women of WHC for Mah Jongg. The 19th Century Chinese game made its way to the West in the 1920’s when Abercrombie & Fitch began selling the first sets in the U.S. Sets sold quickly, and by the ’40s & ’50s, the game played a vital part in building communities for suburban Jewish women.
$5 purse
Everyone is welcome! No need to RSVP, just show up and join the fun!
*Check the Life@WHC newsletter for the game time each week, or email Hillary at hillary@divinelifeyoga.com if you’d like to know the time of an upcoming game.
Through fundraising, we respond to important needs at WHC and support local, national, and international charities. We also support special projects at WHC’s Early Childhood Centers and Religious School and Temple activities. We also provide funding for children’s Purim costumes in Israel and to countless local, national, and international charities and organizations
Our calendar is filled with lectures, Literary Group discussions, lunch and learn sessions, “Mah Jongg Fridays,” canasta lessons, art tours, theater outings, and more.
We have annual luncheons and dinners that bring well-known, impactful women to our stage, and one-of-a-kind events, including our Women’s Seder and a Shabbaton that gives us a weekend away with our “sisters” to learn, laugh, and grow.
We cook meals for the Children’s Inn at NIH, pack meals for the WHC Hunger Project, and deliver Meals on Wheels to homebound seniors.
We sponsor activities offered by the Jewish Foundation for Group Homes and tutor students at Simon Elementary School, a Southeast Washington, D.C. public school named for WHC’s first senior rabbi, Abram Simon.
And we mentor and assist with funding for the Women of Reform Judaism’s growing sisterhoods.
We plan, prepare, and manage every element – from sourcing vendors to soliciting silent auction items, running the café, and volunteering our time –which makes our biggest annual fundraiser a success we can all be proud of.
We go on buying trips and merchandise and staff the store (see more about the Judaica Shop below!)
You will find so many wonderful opportunities to connect and develop lasting friendships with smart, engaged, caring, and clever women.
We welcome your support for the Women of WHC. Please click on the button below to make your gift to one of our two designated funds:
Jane Burka Sisterhood Leadership Fund Provides resources to the Women of WHC for leadership training and development
Sisterhood (WWHC) Fund for Youth and Educational Enrichment Ensures continuance of Women of WHC-sponsored programs and activities for our Temple youth.
To donate to these essential funds, please click “show me additional funds” using the link below.
Current Officers & Board Members
Co-Presidents: Brenda Holt & Gerdy Trachtman
Mildred L. Amer, Melissa Hurwitz, Lisa Moss
Sondra Snyder, Barbara Sonies, Deborah Miller Young
Val Lederberg, Karen Winokur, Donna Morris
Ellen H. Barth, Nanci I. Miller
Dianne B. Heiman, Cheryl Katz, Lynne F. Schaffer
Rebecca Fox
If you are a woman of WHC, we invite you to join us! We have a place for you as a volunteer, a leader, a participant, or simply as a dues contributor. Your involvement and support – combined with that from hundreds of other women – helps our community enormously.
Your annual dues: include membership in both the Women of WHC as well our national organization, the Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ); connect us with our WRJ Mid-Atlantic District; and support the WRJ YES Fund, which trains future Reform Jewish leaders, supports youth and social justice and strengthens the Reform Movement in Israel and around the world.
Annual membership is $50 for WHC members and $80 for non-members.
Click here for our membership form