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“Like many other progressive Jews, I’ve accepted as real the false narrative that simply being Jewish made me a part of the brotherhood against racial injustice.”
We actively participate in creating change, both internally in our Congregation and externally in the broader community to pursue equity and justice to heal our fractured world. This includes new endeavors such as congregants forming and participating in Affinity Groups, the Greeter Program, and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice programming, and through working together with interfaith and community organizing groups on social justice issues.
SEA Change is an opportunity to work together with congregants and others in our community to address long-term inequities. We engage on a personal level, through listening sessions and one-to-one conversations and incorporate community building into action and programming on issues that are important to our members.
All WHC congregants are invited to join in ongoing S.E.A. Change work within and outside the congregation. For more information, please contact Lauren Lieberman at LLieberman@whctemple.org.
"I’ve determined that as a privileged, White American, I want to help turn back systemic racism. As a Jew, I feel I must do more than want…I need to take some action."
“Indifference to oppression is just as dangerous as active oppression. This is an idea that has been drilled into every Jew’s head. If we don’t actively fight against oppression, then we support it…We have to fight against the oppression of African Americans.”
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2 New Virtual Training Opportunities to support your efforts to create positive change!
Recruiting Techniques with Lasting Results NEW Training with JOIN For Justice Tuesday, March 19, 7:00-8:30 pm on Zoom Learn how a successful one-to-one campaign can help you recruit more people to engage in any aspect of your work. We will cover the nuts and bolts of setting up and implementing a campaign as well as the 1-1 meeting techniques that can deliver the results you want. Register here.
Hope for a Shared Future: Beyond Antisemitism and Racism NEW Training with Megan Black and JOIN for Justice Wednesday, March 27, 7-8:30 pm on Zoom We are experiencing an increase in antisemitism in American society, even as we have only begun to comprehend the ongoing impact of systemic racism. More than ever, we need a clear understanding of the relationship between antisemitism and racism and the role both play in strengthening authoritarian and anti-democracy movements. This workshop will examine the unique history of antisemitism and how it shows up in our communities today. We’ll come away with a better understanding of how addressing the relationship between modern American antisemitism and race and racism can help us collectively work toward a better future for all of us, free from the bigotries that affect us today. Register here.
We’re on our way to Universal Pre-K! with Action in Montgomery Sunday, March 17, 2:00-4:00 pm Harmony Hills Elementary School, 13407 Lydia St, Silver Spring At this high energy action, we’ll join Montgomery County officials, Local organizations, Early childhood teachers and parents from across MoCo to discuss finding creative solutions for expanding Pre-K in Montgomery county. Study after study shows that children who go to pre-K perform better academically, have higher high school graduation rates, and have more opportunities to go to college. All this translates into better salaries in the future and a better quality of life. Currently, there are only spots for 26% of Montgomery County children who need access to public pre-K. Come be a part of the solution! More information and registration are here: https://www.actioninmontgomery.org/universal-pre-k.
Decorate and help deliver Mishloach Manot gift bags to statewide and Montgomery County officials!
Children will decorate and fill with treats Mishloach Manot gift bags at the WHC Purim Carnival at JBSC on Sunday, and then people will dress in costume (optional, but encouraged) on Tuesday to deliver these gift bags on Tuesday in Annapolis and Rockville to office holders. Our elected officials love this annual treat and learn a little bit about Purim too! You can RSVP for the Sunday, March 17 Purim Carnival decorating HERE, and RSVP for the Tuesday, March 19 deliveries HERE. For more information on carpooling, and anything else, please contact Laura Loeb at LauraELoeb@gmail.com.
Also, for those in DC: Hamantaschen and Housing Tuesday, March 19, 6:30-8:00pm, Edlavitch DC JCC, 1529 16th Street, NW, DC Join the DCJCC and Jews United for Justice for an evening of Purim fun while learning about housing legislative priorities in DC.
What’s at Stake in the 2024 MC Board of Education Primary Elections? Sunday, April 28, 3:00-4:00 pm, via Zoom How is the Montgomery County Board of Education structured? Who are the candidates running for the primary election this year? How are Board of Education races different from the other races on the 2024 primary ballot? And why do Board of Education races matter? RSVP HERE.
Resource Fair for Teens and Adults with Disabilities Sunday, April 7, 1:00-4:00 pm at Montgomery College, Rockville For those who are transitioning from high school to independent living. No registration required.
Reaching Out To Neurodiverse Individuals & Their Families Are you neurodiverse or do you have a neurodiverse friend or family member who would like to be more involved in WHC Temple life? If so, please contact Jennifer Berzok at KatzBerzok@gmail.com (Board member and mother of a 19-year-old son with autism).
Resources for Creating an Inclusive Community The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington has information about providing the tools to raise awareness and advocate for the civil rights of individuals with disabilities and advance inclusion. This crowd-sourcing guide is a community effort. You can learn more about these available resources HERE or call 301-230-7200.