Rabbi Susan N. Shankman Clergy Endowment Fund

L’dor V’dor: For Generations to Come


Rabbi Shankman has earned the trust and love of this storied congregation. I’m confident that my beloved colleague’s leadership will help steer the course of Reform Judaism in this 21st Century.

The Next Chapter

Rabbi Shankman in red top, talking with two congregants

2022 marked the beginning of a new and exciting chapter in Washington Hebrew Congregation’s 170-year history, as WHC overwhelmingly voted to elevate our beloved Rabbi Susan N. Shankman to become the Senior Rabbi of our vibrant congregation.

This groundbreaking moment not only marks the first time a woman has steered our institution, but Rabbi Shankman’s visionary leadership has ushered in a new wave of rabbinic and cantorial energy, creativity, and engagement.

In honor of this historic chapter, our congregation is embarking on a bold and exciting project, the size and scope of which our congregation has not undertaken in generations: The Rabbi Susan N. Shankman Clergy Endowment Fund.

About the Fund

While Judaism has grown and evolved for thousands of years, the one thing that all great congregations have in common is outstanding clergy, like Rabbi Shankman and the Washington Hebrew clergy team. The Rabbi Susan N. Shankman Clergy Endowment Fund will ensure that Washington Hebrew can hire, and keep, the nation’s most talented clergy for their entire careers.

To accomplish this goal, the Rabbi Susan N. Shankman Clergy Endowment Fund aims to raise an endowment dedicated to fully fund, in perpetuity, Washington Hebrew’s rabbinic and cantorial chairs. We will be offering named chairs for each of our clergy positions, including the chair of Senior Rabbi, along with many other ways that all our congregants can support this generational project.

Why We Are Launching This Now

As our congregation learned in our recent rabbinic and cantorial searches, there is a national shortage of clergy, and studies indicate this trend will continue.

People join Washington Hebrew Congregation because of the sacred connection they and their family have with our clergy team. For our members today, for their children, for their children’s children, and well beyond, the Rabbi Susan N. Shankman Clergy Endowment Fund ensures that the nation’s most talented rabbis and cantors will be there for you, your loved ones, and those who come after you.

The driving force behind our historic congregation has always been it compassionate, charismatic, and visionary clergy team. With your enthusiastic support of the Rabbi Susan N. Shankman Clergy Endowment Fund, Washington Hebrew’s brightest days are ahead.

Rabbi Susan N. Shankman Clergy Endowment Fund

Show your support for Rabbi Shankman and this new chapter in our sacred community’s future. In honor of her new position, we are starting the Rabbi Susan N. Shankman Clergy Endowment Fund to create and maintain a dynamic, strong, and multi-talented clergy team that will secure our congregation’s spiritual leadership for many years to come.


Sponsorships are available at a variety of levels:







If you'd prefer to pay by check or another type of gift, please contact Director of Philanthropy Margaret Cohen.



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Rabbi Shankman in blue robe at the bimah

Senior Rabbi Susan N. Shankman

In the 170-year history of Washington Hebrew Congregation, Rabbi Shankman is the seventh senior rabbi, and the first woman in the role. As Senior Rabbi, she emphasizes innovative, compelling worship experiences, and continues to make WHC a destination for Jewish life. Under her guidance, our vibrant celebrations of Shabbat and other holidays, enhanced spiritual experiences, high-caliber lifelong learning opportunities, and meaningful life cycle events, are building on our foundation for an energetic future.

Rabbi Shankman is committed to providing deep Jewish learning and creating a strong sense of Jewish identity within our congregation as well as the greater Jewish community. Her goals include growing our inclusive, caring community in which everyone is seen, heard, and valued. As part of our continued commitment to equity and social justice, the congregation will be fully inclusive of race, sexual orientation, gender, age, and ability. Additionally, fellowship is promoted between congregants and clergy, and among the clergy team.

Thank you to our sponsors

Corinne Guttman z'l and George Annarella
Women of Washington Hebrew Congregation
Sherry and David Berz
Janet and Michael Cornfeld
Alisa and Lewis Wiener
Stephanie and Ethan Posner
Signey and Jason Adams
Debbie and David Astrove
Arlene and Ken Becker
Shari and Mark Director
Lindsay and Henry Ellenbogen
Jon and Alisa Halle
Regina and Jerry Kaplan
Diane and Gary Katz
Andrea Kirstein
Laura Loeb and Howard Morse
Lisa Reiner
Randi and David Sadugor
Nell and Ed Shapiro
Christie and Jeff Weiss and Family
Carol Bindeman and Family
Nancy and Marc Duber
Susan and David Fink
Emily and Neil Kishter
Sharyn Nerenberg and Andy Kushner
Lauren and Sam Racoosin
Tina and Albert Small, Jr.
Jennifer and Jonathan Weinberg
Yvette Kraft
Adams-Greenblatt Family
Nancy Alper
Holly and Jeff Bergman
Lorrie Shook Berkowitz
Tracy Bernstein and Adam Bernstein & Family
Ann and Joshua Bolten
Amy and David Boris
Carol and Robert Burman
Christine Chan and Matthew Reiskin
Joan Churchill and Thomas Klein
Patty Alper Cohn and David Cohn
Helen and Earl Colson
Robin and Ed Cooper
Lisa DeMarco and Leonard Goldman
Mary DeOreo and Marc Lackritz
Mitchell Dolin
EmptyNesters and Boomers
Susan Esserman and Andy Marks
Sharon Farber
Meg and Samuel Flax
Monica and Tony Fleming
Jane Flior
Fredericks and Grossman Families
Erin and Josh Galper
Jane Weiman Good
Suzanne and David Greenleigh
Sandy and Herb Greenwald
Susan and Allen Hanenbaum
Diane and Bruce Heiman
Karen and Brendan Herron
Jamie and Ryan Hotchkiss
Sherry and David Kahn
Lisa and Lance Karp
Cathy Kwart
Susan and Andrew Lazerow
The Lemer Family
Barbara and Hank Levine
Robin and Jeremy London
Sara and Richard London
The Lovegroves
Vicky and Chip Magid
Leslie Maitland and Dan Werner
Zena and Paul Mason
Ellen Miller and Bob Kelly
Andrea and Gary Mullins
Carole and John Nannes
Linda Newman
Megan and Todd Perkins
Kelley and Ari Redbord
Jodi and Eric Reicin
Debbie and Steve Robins
Susan and David Rosenblum
Beth and Scott Ross
Claudia and Les Ross
Mary and James Salander
Froma Sandler
Jean and Matt Schlesinger
Melissa Schwartz and David Muenzer
Ruth Seif
Phyllis and Michael Shankman
Pat and Bob Shapiro
Laura and Gary Siegel
Gerdy Trachtman
Lori and David Vise
Kimberly and David Wachen
Walker and Vogel Families
Sylvia and Peter Winik
Amy and Evan Winston
Alane and Eugene Youngentob
Bonnie and Stuart Youngentob
Linda and Bob Youngentob
Yan Yu and Stanley Presser

Additional Sponsors

Sponsorships are available at a variety of levels:

  • $25,000+
  • $10,000
  • $7,500
  • $5,000
  • $3,600
  • $1,800
  • Other

If you’d prefer to pay by check or another type of gift, please contact:

Lindsay Feldman
Executive Director


Each sponsor ($1,800+) will be recognized in the Installation Shabbat program, WHC Journal, marketing and publicity materials, and will be invited to a private cocktail reception on Sunday, May 7. Sponsors under $1,800 will be listed in the program.