Prayer for Our Nation

On Thursday, January 7, Rabbi Lustig was invited to join Washington National Cathedral’s Dean Hollerith in prayer for our nation’s safety, solace, and unity. Below is the prayer Rabbi Lustig offered to help our country heal.

Eternal God, without whom life has no spiritual source, no divine meaning, purpose, or destiny but with whom there is power for the present and hope for the future.

Refresh our faith that the strains of life may not break our spirits.

Restore our confidence that our world is undergirded by eternal purpose.

Heal us –

Who have seen the sacred desecrated,
Who have heard hate-filled speech and now live with its result,
Who have witnessed lies to incite violence and manipulate others for self-gain.

Let not complacency undermine accountability. Give us the courage to demand of our leaders moral clarity and common civility, so justice may not only be returned and democracy not only be restored, but their prevalence be known from sea to shining sea.

Let peace, unity, and the good of the commonweal prevail over party or politics.

We stand in this house of prayer, open to all, to pray for our country.

We pray for equality, equity, compassion, and justice for all, despite color or creed.

Let our hearts be guided by your goodness.

Let those who choose mob mentality over God’s guidance seek forgiveness for their sins.

Heal us Eternal One.

Bless those who give service of heart to this great nation. Give them strength to temper their judgments by the compassion of the human soul.

Let us remember that none are free until all are free. Free from fear, want, bigotry, racism, and callous hatred of the other.

Let the courage of our convictions lead to action that will make America worthy of her past and blessed by her future.

Let not cynicism blight, nor faithlessness uproot our confidence to live as we pray, so that, unashamed, our leaders and our citizens may transmit to generations to come an America better than ours.

וּפְרוֹשׂ עָלֵינוּ סֻכַּת שְׁלוֹמֶךָ
Spread over us your shelter of peace.

Hear our prayer. Amen.