Introducing: Ezra Jordan Abbott-Fischel

OLD - DO NOT USE Rabbi Eliana Fischel headshot

Dear Washington Hebrew Family,

I am thrilled to announce that on Saturday, July 25, at 10:23 am, Eric and I welcomed our beautiful son, Ezra Jordan, to the world. Ezra is an adorable, alert, and active boy. He loves to kick and watch the world and is taking it all in.

Unfortunately, shortly after birth, we discovered that Ezra has a congenital heart condition and some neurological issues. The nurses and doctors at Children’s National Hospital are taking good care of our little boy and all signs point to him having a full and wonderful life. He just needs some help over the next few months to ensure that’s the case.

Since joining the clergy team of WHC, I have been constantly overwhelmed by the love and care of our community. As Ezra, Eric, and I navigate this new world, we are comforted by knowing that your love continues to envelop us. Many of you have generously asked how you can support us. Your prayers and love are more than enough. If you want to do more, we are decorating Ezra’s room, both at the hospital and in our home, with art, cards, and blessings. If you would like to write/draw a blessing for Ezra, please send them here:

Ezra Abbott-Fischel
c/o Washington Hebrew Congregation
3935 Macomb St. NW
Washington, DC 20016

We cannot wait to introduce you to our beautiful boy!

In love and gratitude,

The Abbott-Fischel Family