Home > Blog > 2239 - Young Professionals > Got Religion?
How do we get (and keep) young people interested in religious life?
This is a question that spans denominational and religious divides. From Reform to Orthodox, Catholic to Muslim, religious leaders want to know how to tap into the 22-39 age demographic and keep them involved in religious life in the crucial years before these young people start their families.
In her new book, Got Religion? How Churches, Mosques, and Synagogues Can Bring Young People Back, former Wall Street Journal reporter, Naomi Schaefer Riley, searches for the answer to this question. She looks at what’s causing young people to move away from religious affiliation and the unique approaches being taken to combat this issue. Among the innovative leaders and programs she discusses in the book are Rabbi Aaron Miller and WHC’s 2239 program.
A fascinating read for anyone interested in engaging young Jews and growing WHC for the next generation.