Ways to Give

Whether you give to The Lewis S. Wiener Annual Fund or a specialized endowment, your tax-deductible contribution to our Congregation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is an investment in the relationships that strengthen our community, our faith, one another, and the world beyond our walls.

Lewis Wiener at bima with Rabbi Shankman in background

Give to The Lewis S. Wiener Annual Fund

In honor of our beloved WHC president, Lew Wiener z”l, The Lewis S. Wiener Annual Fund keeps alive his goal of a vibrant and sustainable Washington Hebrew. With membership revenues and fees covering less than half of our community’s annual operating costs, the Lewis S. Wiener Annual Fund gives WHC the ability to be a strong and resilient congregation — ready to meet the moment while laying the foundation to overcome the challenges ahead.

Click here for more

Lewis Wiener at bima with Rabbi Shankman in background

Make a Planned Gift

You can leave a lasting legacy at Washington Hebrew Congregation by including the Temple in your estate plans through a bequest, charitable trust, life insurance policy, or another appropriate vehicle. Become a member of the 1852 Legacy Society.

Sponsor a Program or Event

Special events, such as speakers, classes, concerts, and programs, provide opportunities for you to share your good name and let the community know that you care about Washington Hebrew Congregation and believe that a strong Temple benefits everyone.

Sustaining Membership

Sustaining Members contribute more than standard annual membership fees to ensure Washington Hebrew’s ongoing strength and resiliency and keep membership affordable to all. Both an act of tzedakah and a reflection of faith in our shared Jewish future, Sustaining Membership provides the synagogue with a dependable base of revenue used to sustain the programs, education, worship, clergy services and pastoral care upon which our community relies.

Make a Tribute Gift

Donations made in honor, memory, or appreciation of your family, friends, or colleagues are always welcome. We send a lovely notecard to notify the honoree and recognize your contribution in our monthly magazine, the WHC Journal. You can choose if your contribution should be used for our greatest needs, designated for one of our programs, or a gift to one of our endowment funds.

Make Your Gift

WHC Mitzvah Mall

When you shop on Amazon by clicking through our WHC Mitzvah Mall link, each purchase helps support our youth social justice programs – at no additional cost to you! Look for the links throughout our site for items like books for our Jewish Book Council author events and click on those links to make your purchase.  It’s a win-win for everyone!

Gifts from Donor Advised Funds, appreciated stocks, bonds, other tangible assets, credit card payments, online donations, or even a check are the easiest and most direct forms of philanthropy. You can also set up monthly recurring donations for any amount.


Margaret Cohen
Director of Philanthropy