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WHC Collects: Furnish Hope DC

JBSC & Temple

WHC Collects is working with Furnish Hope DC in February to gather cleaning supplies for residents of Ward 7 & 8 who are transitioning out of homelessness, escaping domestic violence, ...

Event Series Early Torah Study

Early Torah Study

Hybrid - Temple 3935 Macomb St. NW, Washington

Every Shabbat morning, we begin the day with an informal group at Temple to study parashat hashavua, the weekly Torah portion, in English.

Event Series Shabbat Morning Worship

Shabbat Morning Worship

Hybrid - Temple 3935 Macomb St. NW, Washington

Our Shabbat morning service, led by our rabbis and cantors, often includes the b’nei mitzvah of one of our teens as well as the traditional elements of a Shabbat morning service