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For Jews, prayer is more than words on a page. Prayer reflects Jewish history, spiritual evolution, fierce theological debate, ancient and modern practice, anguish, triumph, love, hope, and so much more. The Jewish prayerbook is the story of our people, passed down to us by countless generations that came before and expanded in our generation as a gift to those who come next.
What if you have been saying these prayers your entire life, but have never known the depth of what they contain? What if you did not grow up at Washington Hebrew? What if you did not grow up Jewish? No matter your background, Unlocking Prayer is designed for you.
Join Cantors Bortnick and Hamstra for a five-session exploration of the sacred meanings, rituals, and prayers that mark the beginning of Shabbat. We will explore the rich liturgy and traditions of Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv l’Shabbat—the Friday evening prayers that welcome Shabbat, providing a richer understanding of their meaning, structure, and relevance in contemporary Jewish life.
Throughout the course, you will:
Cost is $150 for WHC Members, $175 for Non-Members.
Contact Us
Monday, March 10
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Becca Cook