Home > Events > Connect > Brotherhood Book Club, Adam Nimoy, “The Most Human”
Whether you are a father, have a father, or just want to hear more about a unique parental relationship, this is a book and program you won’t want to miss. WHC Brotherhood welcomes author Adam Nimoy for an “out of this world” conversation. Adam is the son of Leonard Nimoy, best known as Spock from the Star Trek franchise. Adam’s book, The Most Human is a poignant memoir about his often complicated relationship with his father, ranging from Shabbat dinners to basement AA meetings, and how he was finally able to reconcile with his father, and with himself.
Light fare and beverages will be served. This program is open to all who are interested, please note that some of the content has adult themes including addiction.
Presented in partnership with Jewish Book Council
Brotherhood Presents Adam Nimoy, The Most Human Sorry, this form is not available.
This event is presented in partnership with
Monday, January 13
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
JBC, book
Ira Miller