E-T ECC Celebrates International Day

This morning, the kids at the Edlavitch-Tyser Early Childhood Center embarked on an adventure that took them from Washington, D.C. to many exciting destinations around the world!

Planned and sponsored by the E-T ECC’s Parents Committee, this annual event is one of the most anticipated of the year. From playing with traditional toys at the Colombia table to seeing their names written in Korean calligraphy, the kids had the opportunity to directly engage as they learned. Parents, guardians, and staff were present to guide the children from country to country, answer questions, and ensure a positive (and fun!) learning experience.

Eleven countries were represented at International Day, including Austria, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Hungary, Israel, Macedonia, Mexico, Nicaragua, South Korea, and Togo. These countries were brought to life for the children through delicious authentic foods, regional games, and exciting arts and crafts projects.

If you have a young child, our ECCs in D.C. and Maryland are now accepting registrations for Fall 2015. Learn more about what makes our programs special at whcecc.org.